Description Usage Pricing
Single Twice Multiple
Assessor Parcel Number $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Census Median Home Value $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Dwelling Unit Size $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Estimated Household Income $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Fireplace $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Garage $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Gender $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Heating & Cooling System $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Home Assessed Value Range $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Length of Residence $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Mail Address Record Type $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Mail Order Responder $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Marital Status $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Number Of Units $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Number of Bedrooms $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Occupation 1st Individual $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Owner Type $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Presence of Children $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Property Type $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Seasonal Mail Address $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Second Loan Equity Line of Credit Flag $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Spouse Gender Code $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Telephone Number (where available) $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Third Loan Equity Line of Credit Flag $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Trust Owned $3.75 $5.63 $7.50
Age $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Age of Children $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Available Home Equity Range $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
CC Indicator - Bank Card Holder $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
CC Indicator - Gas/Dept./Retail Card Holder $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
CC Indicator - Premium Gold Card $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
CC Indicator - T/E Card Holder $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
CC Indicator - Upscale (Dept. Stores) $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Census Block Group $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Credit Card Buyer - Unknown Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Credit Card Indicator $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Date Of Birth $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Delinquent Tax Flag $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
First Loan Amount Range $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
First Loan Date (CCYYMM) $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
First Loan Interest Rate Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
First Loan Lender Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
First Loan Transaction Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
First Loan Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Home Assessed Value $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Home Market Value $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Home Market Value Range $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Home Purchase Amount Range $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Length of Residence (Exact) $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Lot Size $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Lot Size – Exact $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Mail Order Buyer $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Market Value Model Flag $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Multi-Parcel Purchase Indicator $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Property Type Detail $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Purchase Date $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Real Estate Investor Property Counts $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Second Loan Amount $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Second Loan Date (CCYYMM) $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Second Loan Interest Rate Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Second Loan Lender Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Second Loan Transaction Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Second Loan Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Square Footage $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Square Footage of Home – Exact $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Telephone Number $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Third Loan Amount Range $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Third Loan Date (CCYYMM) $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Third Loan Interest Rate Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Third Loan Lender Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Third Loan Transaction Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Third Loan Type $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Total Loan Range $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Year Home Built $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
Year Home Built (Exact) $7.50 $11.25 $15.00
1st Loan Amount - Exact $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
2nd Loan Amount - Exact $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
3rd Loan Amount - Exact $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Available Home Equity $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Available Home Equity $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Delinquent Tax Year $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Ethnic Assimilation Code $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Ethnic Code $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Ethnic Religion Code $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
First Loan Lender Name $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Home Purchase Amount Exact $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Latitude/Longtitude $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Lender Code 1 $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Lender Code 2 $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Lender Code 3 $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Loan to Value $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Market Decile $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Networth $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Presence of Pool $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Purchase Month $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Qualifying Lender Code $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Qualifying Lender Type $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Qualifying Loan Amount $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Qualifying Loan Date $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Qualifying Loan Interest Rate Type $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Qualifying Loan Transaction Type $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Qualifying Loan Type $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Second Loan Lender Name $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Third Loan Lender Name $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Total Loan(s) Amount – Exact $15.00 $22.50 $30.00
Available Home Equity (Exact) $22.50 $33.75 $45.00
Ethnic Country Code $22.50 $33.75 $45.00
Loan to Value (Exact) $22.50 $33.75 $45.00
Economic Stability Indicator $37.50 $56.25 $75.00
Net Worth - Premier $37.50 $56.25 $75.00
Personicx Cluster Codes $45.00 $67.50 $90.00